Input Forms for Analysis

The input forms for 2024 analysis are posted!

We have new input forms for you to complete for analysis.  Simply use your records to complete these forms to send to OSU Extension for data input.

If you are using Quick Books, Quicken or other financial software, please print your reports and use your reports to complete these input forms.  You are welcome to include Balance Sheets and/ or Income Statements generated from your farms bookkeeping system with your completed input forms. These statements assist with verifying the accuracy of your analysis.

Step 1: Beginning & Ending Balance Sheets

The first step in getting your analysis done is getting a beginning and ending balance sheet for your farm.  These documents will help you get the balance sheet done.  Yes, there are a lot of pages to these input forms.  But, they are not difficult.  There are no formulas for you to calculate, just blanks to fill in.  Having copies of loan statements with detail will help.  Complete instructions are written into the input forms.  The input forms are provided in MS Word Format and PDF format for your convenience.


2024-BBS – MS Word Format  

2024-BBS – PDF Format   

2023-BBS - PDF Fillable Form

This will be all of the information as of January 1, 2024 (or December 31, 2023 depending on your record keeping).  Balances from checking accounts and all other sources for this date will be used to input the data into this form.


2024-EBS– MS Word Format  

2024-EBS – PDF Format   

2024-EBS - PDF Fillable Form

This will be all of the information as of January 1, 2025 (or December 31, 2024 depending on your record keeping).  Balances from checking accounts and all other sources for this date will be used to input the data into this form.


2024 Loan Worksheet– MS Word Format    

2024 Loan Worksheet – PDF Format 

2024 Loan Worksheet - PDF Fillable Form

NOTE: Please note the MS Word Format is a legal size print-out.  That is 8.5×14 instead of the usual 8.5×11. The PDF Format Loan Worksheet is the usual size print-out (8.5×11.)- This loan information is vital to helping you understand your farm business.  We provide this to you in a single format to reduce the amount of data needed for both balance sheets.  Again, loan print outs from your lender may be useful in completing this form.

If at any time you need assistance with a page of the form, feel free to contact us with questions. Haley Shoemaker, 330-967-7249

Step 2: Cash Flow & Enterprise Information

Now that you have a beginning and an ending balance sheet, we will look at everything that happened between the beginning and the end of your business year. Before completing Step 2, go ahead and send in your balance sheet information and we will get started on those.  You may have more information than there is space available on some of these input sheets.  Simply print extra pages and turn in the extras with your final set of these input forms.

Cash Flow & Enterprise Information:

 2024 Income Statement– MS Word Format

 2024 Income Statement – PDF Format

 2024 Income Statement - PDF Fillable Form

The forms below are for farms with a crop enterprise only:

2024 Crop Income Statement - MS Word Format

2024 Crop Income Statement - PDF Format

2024 Crop Income Statement - PDF Fillable Form

If at any time you need assistance with a page of the form, feel free to contact us with questions. Clint Schroeder,, or Haley Shoemaker,